Check out part 1
1. You practiced your kissing stance in the womb. Two-thirds of people tilt their head to the right when they kiss. Weirdly, this is a habit you might pick up before you're even born, according to Women's Health. Most fetuses tilt their head to the right while in the womb as well. So it looks like you start practicing pretty early.
3. Kissing releases endorphins and oxytocin. Making out is going to get you feeling happy and positive and less stressed.
4. Your lips are actually more sensitive than your junk. It's part of the reason we love kissing so much. Our lips are super-sensitive according to Krista A. Bloom. You have a ton of nerve endings in your lips: approximately 10,000. The clitoris only has 8,000.
5. The longest kiss on record lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes, and 58 seconds. Think about that world record the next time you see some gross PDA.
6. Not all cultures kiss. A lot of cultures didn't kiss each other on the lips until European explorers introduced them to it. Inuits famously rubbed noses and smelled each other's cheeks. Some cultures in the Middle East and Asia still look down on kissing in public.
7. Humans aren't the only animals that kiss. Cows, puffins, squirrels and even snails also kiss, although chimpanzees are the only animals whose kisses resemble a human kiss. All the other ones look like awkward face-touching.
source: [cosmopolitan]